Monday, 5 December 2016

Gifts For Beauty-Gadget-Loving Bitches

Of all the beauty gifts I could receive this year, the ones that would really get me going are beauty gadgets. Each year more and more beauty gadgets hit the shelves promising to pamper and perfect us and I, for one, can't get enough! As I know I'm not alone in my love of beauty devices, I thought it was only right to put together a Christmas gift guide for all beauty-gadget-loving bitches out there...

My first recommendation is a good blend of health and beauty - it's the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Rose Gold Toothbrush (£270.00). I'm often asked how I keep my teeth white and my answer is always the same, Arm & Hammer toothpaste on a good sonic toothbrush; my favourite is the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Rose Gold Toothbrush - I am obsessed with it. It keeps my teeth super clean and white and looks beautiful in my bathroom cabinet. Its appearance may seem completely irrelevant, however so many sonic toothbrushes are ugly af that it's nice to see something a little more sleek.

To get technical, the Sonicare DiamondClean features five cleaning modes (clean, sensitive, gum care, white and polish) and a diamond-shaped brush head for supreme cleaning and whitening. It also comes with a glass charger, travel case and USB travel charger so your teeth can get the professional treatment wherever the fuck you are. Any beauty loving girl will care about her teeth and want them as white as possible, so this Philips beauty makes for the perfect present this Christmas!

The next gift idea combines pampering and preening; it's the Braun Face Spa Premium Edition (£82.99). According to Braun, it is the world's first facial epilator & cleansing brush system - whether true or not, this handheld gadget is fucking amazing. Keeping your face fuzz and dirt free, its sleek and compact design enables precise epilation (its 10 micro-openings catch even the finest hairs - 0.02mm), while its facial cleansing brush gently but deeply cleanses the skin with micro-oscillations (it actually cleanses six times more effectively than manual cleansing!). It has been dermatologically tested and can be used on sensitive skin. Removing hair with the Face Spa can hurt a little, however it is no way near as painful as other epilators I've used in the past. Aside from its swift hair removal, what I love most about this beaut is the four different brush attachments it comes with; a normal brush, extra sensitive brush, exfoliation brush and beauty sponge. Everything a gal needs for the perfect cleanse!

Another great gadget to gift is the Panasonic ES-WH90 IPL Hair Removal System. This IPL hair remover is designed for use on the legs, arms, back, bikini line, tummy and face. There is literally no hair on the body it won't remove! It is lightweight, cordless and sooo easy to use - it is also (surprisingly) relatively pain-free. I have been using the device for over a month and have experienced amazing results. Not only has there been a serious reduction in the hair on my legs and upper lip but the remaining hairs (of which there aren't many) have got thinner. Panasonic's IPL Hair Removal System features an integrated UV filter to protect the skin and a powerful battery that seems to last forever - I rarely find myself charging it! It may be on the pricey side (cough £349.99 cough) but it's a damn sight cheaper than laser hair removal!!

Next up is the Slendertone Face (£149.99), a beauty gadget from the famous body-sculpting brand, Slendertone! Using electro muscle stimulation (EMS) technology, Slendertone Face is designed to tone and lift the muscles of your face. As you can see below, it looks like a headset with pads on either side. To use it, you simply position the pads on either side of your face (to target the facial nerve that controls all the facial muscles) and switch it on. Once activated, this gadget gets to work gently but effectively exercising the facial muscles to firm and tone - delivering a natural facelift from the inside out. It also increases blood flow, instantly giving you a more radiant complexion.

This beauty has undergone some clinical trials and the results are very impressive. After using the Slendertone Face for 12 weeks, 94% of women reported their face felt firmer, 90% reported improvement in facial toning and 80% reported their face looked lifted. I have even seen these results for myself! I have been using the Slendertone Face for just six weeks and my face is already tighter and its shape more defined. It's the perfect gift for anti-ageing addicts!

Now if you're on the hunt for a more affordable beauty gadget, I recommend Sarah Chapman's Skinesis The Facialift (£25.00) - a cult classic in the beauty world. The Facialift is a handheld massager featuring eight unique heads and 48 massaging nodules that reshape, refine and tone the contours of the face, release tension in the jaw and aid lymphatic drainage, dramatically lifting and sculpting the face. Regular use of this facial massager gives skin a healthy and more youthful complexion. It brightens, tightens, drains toxins and reduces puffiness by boosting the supply of vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin. It is perfect for girls that love a good pampering.

Another great facial tool to gift a girl this Christmas is the Beauty Restorer from new wellness brand Hayo'u. It is a simple (but absolutely beautiful) self-treatment tool that is based on an ancient Chinese Medicine technique called Gua Sha. To activate the Beauty Restorer's beauty benefits, you simply rub and scrape the tool across the face in an upward motion. Doing this promotes lymphatic drainage which helps reduce toxicity and congestion. It also enhances nutrient supply and draws out tension. Regular use of the Beauty Restorer (£35.00) keeps skin healthy, problem-free and glowing! What's not to love?!

My final recommendation is a gadget gift for the hair obsessed girls among us. It is The Waving Wand (£99.95) from Cloud Nine and I've fallen head over heels in love with it. This award winning hair curler features a long, straight barrel that creates the most gorgeous loose waves easily and quickly. It also has innovative temperature control technology that enables you to choose the perfect level of heat for your hair type. However my favourite feature is the barrel's mineral infused coating - it leaves my hair looking smooth, conditioned and uber glossy. I don't know any girl that wouldn't love this hair hero!

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