Monday, 14 March 2016

Weekly Worship: Rahua Elixir


Price: £140.00 / $175.00 30ml

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Rahua Elixir is an 100% natural, pure hair oil that is designed to deliver healthier and stronger hair...and it does that. Crazily-well. It is a lightweight, non-greasy and - importantly - non-gloopy oil that glides onto the hair like a dream. It can be applied to wet or dry hair, however I find it better on dry hair as it gives a more even application.

All of the ingredients included in this little dropper bottle are rainforest grown in the heart of the Amazon jungle - impressive, huh? It is an exceptionally rich and pure formula that only requires three drops to cover my long hair (I apply it from the midway point of my hair to the ends). My hair is fine as fuck though, so you lucky bitches with thick hair may need more!


The Rahua Elixir has a gorgeous scent that stays in the hair all day. As for results, it instantly makes my overly processed hair softer and smoother. I have been using it daily for the past few weeks and my hair is looking less damaged and more glossy. I love this shit.

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