Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Review: FaceCamp At FaceGym Part One


FaceCamp is a boot-camp for your skin; a seven day programme that offers tailored face workouts, high powered treatments and special dietary tips to get your skin and face looking (and feeling) amazing. It is the creation of FaceGym, the UK’s original facial exercise and high performance skincare studio in Selfridges, and I will be trialling it during the next seven days!

Before I get into my first day at FaceCamp, it's important to fill you in a bit. Now there are five FaceCamp programmes and each of them focus around FaceGym’s different face concerns...

Phone Face: Designed for the Instagram addict, the Phone Face programme helps treats the (skin) side-effects caused by overusing a phone. Symptoms of Phone Face Include poor posture, double chin, forehead creases, tired eyes and sagging jaw.

Winter Face: Created for all skin types suffering from the cold weather, the Winter Face programme helps treat dark circles, dull and lackluster skin, wrinkles, saggy cheeks and tired looking skin.

Sugar Face: The Sugar Face programme is catered for those who have got a little too carried away with the sweet snacking (basically me... all day every day). It treats skin problems caused by fizzy drinks and sugary foods - you know, the good shit - including puffy and bloated skin, breakouts, enlarged pores, a dull complexion, dark circles and pronounced nasolabial lines.

Frow Face: Designed for just about any one going through a hard time, the Frow Face programme targets tired skin, puffy eyes, wrinkles and crepey, dull and lacklustre skin.

Fat Face: Fat Face is perfect for those who have been overeating in all food groups. The programme helps to combat the side effects of over-eating, including the (obvious) puffy face, double chin, sagging jowls and less-pronounced features.


After coming face to face with...my face, I decided the programme I'd most benefit from is 'Winter Face'; when I turned up for my first day at camp, my trainer took one look at my dark circles and dehydration and agreed (not my finest moment).

When I arrived at FaceCamp (aka Selfridges), my trainer assessed my skin and described what the programme will involve. Workout-wise, Winter Face (aka my "intense skin tightening and lifting package") will include one HD3D skin sculpting + Under Eye Booster workout, two Hollywood Laser Lift + Under Eye Booster workouts and one Signature Electrical + Under Eye Booster workout.


After talking me through what to expect, my trainer gave me a welcome pack that outlines my programme and provides information on post-treatment aftercare, as well as great DIY exercise tips (for the face....fear not BBGs!). The welcome pack also includes juice recipes & smoothies from WelleCo & The Juicery. Now, being a Beauty Bad Girl (BBG), I'm not sure how well I'll get on with the healthy eating part of the programme...

After my detailed introduction, my trainer began the Signature Electrical + Under Eye Booster workout, a 40 minute facial massage that mimicked a body workout. The massage combined five 'exercise' steps - warm up, cardio, strength, sculpt and cool down. Each of these steps included techniques that helped to boost blood and oxygen circulation and stimulate my muscles and lymphatic system.


My trainer really went to town on my face and it not only felt amazing but delivered instantly firmer and more radiant skin. I've experienced many facials that have immediately brightened my skin and improved my complexion, however this is the first time I've seen a facial visibly lift and firm my face and neck - I am OBSESSED with it and can't wait for my next workout! So don't forget to check back in next week to find out how I got on with the rest of the programme.

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